Tuesday, March 04, 2025 @ 10:00 am
The Town of Peru now has a link available to access property map information: http://Axisgis.com/PeruVT/
*Taxes are due: September 30th each year.
*Town Meeting is held the first Tuesday in March.
*Peru Selectboard meets the 1st and 3rd Wednesday of each month at 6:30 pm
at the Peru Town Center.
*Planning Commission meets the 2nd Wednesday of each month at 5:00 pm
at the Peru Town Center. **Subject to change
*All dogs must be licensed with proof of rabies vaccination by April 1st each year.
*Check with the Town zoning administrator for any building permits.
OFFICE HOURS: Tuesday & Thursday 8:30am-4:00pm
(802) 824-3065 [email protected]
Click on the link below to pay:
-Property Tax
-Dog Licenses
-Transfer Station Permits/Punch Cards*
*Purchase permits/punch cards online & receive through the USPS
**Please use your mailing address
The Town Office does not charge a fee to process online payments, however, the vendor processing your payment assesses the following convenience fees:
Credit Card Payments - 3% of total transaction
E-check Payments - $2.75 per transaction
You will need your Parcel # to make payments on-line. For assistance in locating your Parcel # number, contact our office at (802) 824-3065